Unleashing the Power of Positive Advertising: A Guide to Boost Your Business

Unleashing the Power of Positive Advertising: A Guide to Boost Your Business

In a world buzzing with opportunities, effective advertising is the key to unlocking the door to success for your business. As experts in the field, we’re here to guide you through the journey of promoting your brand with confidence and excitement. From building trust to maximizing your reach, let’s dive into the art of advertising…

Meta and MediaTek Forge Exclusive Alliance for Custom AR Glasses Chipsets, Bypassing Qualcomm in Pursuit of Efficiency

Meta and MediaTek Forge Exclusive Alliance for Custom AR Glasses Chipsets, Bypassing Qualcomm in Pursuit of Efficiency

In a strategic move, Meta has joined forces with MediaTek to develop custom chipsets for its upcoming AR glasses, diverging from the reliance on Qualcomm’s SoCs. The collaboration was announced at the MediaTek Summit 2023, emphasizing the creation of an in-house solution tailored specifically for Meta’s AR glasses. This exclusive partnership ensures that the custom…

Tesla Navigates Challenges: Contemplating Initial Cybertruck Deliveries to Employees Amidst Financial Concerns and PR Struggles

Tesla Navigates Challenges: Contemplating Initial Cybertruck Deliveries to Employees Amidst Financial Concerns and PR Struggles

In the face of a sales slowdown and ongoing PR challenges, Tesla is reportedly considering delivering the first batch of Cybertrucks to its employees to mitigate a potential financial setback. With Elon Musk acknowledging a tempered timeline for volume production during the third-quarter earnings call, the initial deliveries of the long-anticipated Cybertruck are anticipated to…

Improved NVIDIA DLSS Ray Reconstruction in Alan Wake II Update Enhances Cyberpunk 2077 Graphics

Improved NVIDIA DLSS Ray Reconstruction in Alan Wake II Update Enhances Cyberpunk 2077 Graphics

The recent update for Alan Wake II includes an improved version of NVIDIA DLSS Ray Reconstruction, labeled as version This update brings notable enhancements to Cyberpunk 2077, the only other game currently supporting this technology. The improvements are particularly focused on reducing ghosting and shimmering issues in Cyberpunk 2077, although some minor issues may…

Why DALL-E 3 and ChatGPT Combined is a Breakthrough for Generative AI

Why DALL-E 3 and ChatGPT Combined is a Breakthrough for Generative AI

The fusion of DALL-E 3 and ChatGPT marks a groundbreaking development in the realm of generative AI. This innovative partnership simplifies and revolutionizes the process of AI art generation, with profound implications for the art world. Traditionally, art has been a medium for emotional and imaginative expression, while technology has often been associated with a…

Green Meme Coins Set to Dominate the Crypto Scene in 2024 – Chimpzee Challenges Pepe for the Crown

Green Meme Coins Set to Dominate the Crypto Scene in 2024 – Chimpzee Challenges Pepe for the Crown

Amid the recent surge in Pepe’s value, its momentum has waned as a natural price correction takes hold. This serves as a stark reminder that speculative trading alone cannot sustain a cryptocurrency project. Investors, particularly those with a long-term perspective, are now seeking alternatives that offer more stability and a solid foundation. Enter Chimpzee, one…

Smart home security tips for personal and cyber protection

Smart home security tips for personal and cyber protection

With the surging popularity of smart home technology, it’s essential to ensure both personal and cyber protection. The U.S. smart home market is projected to reach nearly $50 billion by 2026, offering convenience and energy savings. However, to make the most of these innovations while safeguarding your home and data, consider the following tips: Strong…

These are the best days of the year to shop for holiday deals on electronics

These are the best days of the year to shop for holiday deals on electronics

The holiday season is a prime time for snagging fantastic deals on electronics. While some consumer electronics are already discounted more than a month before Christmas, the real treasure trove of savings usually unfolds during the traditional price-slashing window between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. From now until November 16, shoppers can enjoy discounts ranging…

LG postavio rekord prijenosom i primanjem 6G podataka na udaljenosti od 500 metara

LG postavio rekord prijenosom i primanjem 6G podataka na udaljenosti od 500 metara

Korejski LG pohvalio se uspjesnim bezicnim prijenosom i prijemom 6G terahertz (THz) podataka od 500 metara, sto je najveca udaljenost zabiljezena u bilo kojem 6G testu provedenom na otvorenom, urbanom podrucju. U suradnji s LG U+, test je odrzan pocetkom rujna u LG Scienceparku u Magoku, u Seulu. Ujedno, ovaj rezultat pokazuje kontinuirano vodstvo LG-a…

Njemacka uklanja svu mreznu opremu iza koje je Huawei

Njemacka uklanja svu mreznu opremu iza koje je Huawei

Njemacka je odlucna potpuno izbaciti iz telekomunikacijskih mreza Huawei, ZTE i sve ostale koji bi mogli predstavljati sigurnosnu prijetnju, bez obzira na troskove tog poteza. Znacajan je to preokret u politici najmocnije zemlje u Europskoj uniji. Naime, njemacka savezna ministrica unutarnjih poslova Nancy Faeser kritizirala je mrezne operatere sto nisu brze prekinuli svaku suradnju s…

Nokia i Nomios Group utrostručili su kapacitet za GÉANT

Nokia i Nomios Group utrostručili su kapacitet za GÉANT

Nokia, Nomios Grupa i GEANT objavili su da ce GEANT, suradnja europskih nacionalnih istrazivackih i obrazovnih mreza (NRENs), implementirati najmodernije IP/MPLS rjesenje iz Nokije kao dio 10-godisnjeg okvirnog sporazuma pod vodstvom od strane Nomiosa. Kao dio svog projekta GN5 IP/MPLS usmjeravanja i zamjene komutacije, GEANT ce biti prvi NREN u svijetu koji ce implementirati 800…

Rastu prihodi od usluga sirokopojasnog pristupa internetu u pokretnoj mrezi

Rastu prihodi od usluga sirokopojasnog pristupa internetu u pokretnoj mrezi

Na trzistu elektronickih komunikacija u prvoj polovici 2023. godine prihodi su iznosili ukupno 815.3 milijuna eura i u odnosu na prvu polovicu prosle godine veci su za 10 posto. Najveci doprinos ovakvome rastu dale su usluge sirokopojasnog pristupa internetu u pokretnoj mrezi s prihodima vecim 10 posto, a za gotovo 13 posto povecani su ukupni…

Nastavak pada prihoda od fiksne telefonije i to gotovo 10 posto

Nastavak pada prihoda od fiksne telefonije i to gotovo 10 posto

Najnoviji podaci domaceg telekom regulatora Hrvatske agencije za mrezne djelatnosti (HAKOM) pokazuju kako je u drugom kvartalu ove godine u odnosu na isto razdoblje prethodne godine biljezi se pad prihoda u fiksnoj telefoniji 9,71 posto na 30,94 milijuna eura. Tako su najveci domaci telekom operatori Hrvatski Telekom i Iskon, A1 Hrvatska, Telemach Hrvatska, ali i…

Snazan rast broja 5G korisnika i na kraju lipnja ih je vise od 525 tisuca

Snazan rast broja 5G korisnika i na kraju lipnja ih je vise od 525 tisuca

Najnoviji podaci HAKOM-a pokazuju kako je u mobilnom segmentu broj sirokopojasnih korisnika 5,52 milijuna uz rast od 7,65 posto od cega 3,68 milijuna otpada na 3g i 4G privatne korisnike kojih je 2,21 posto. Raste broj korisnika putem podatkovnih kartica i to 62,43 posto u segmentu privatnih korisnika, dok je broj korisnika putem mobilnih telefona…